
Leaf Scorch: On maple (Acer species) copse, a number of issues crusade symptoms that are mostly classified as leaf scorch. Scorch symptoms are light brown or tan dead areas between leaf veins or around the leaf margins. Occasionally the leaf margins are yellow or chlorotic. Scorch symptoms tell u.s.a. that i or more of the following factors are affecting the tree:

  • Physiological leaf scorch is the most common. Information technology is caused by dry weather, combined with wind and high temperatures. When trees do not go enough h2o, they volition scorch. The symptoms are on all parts of the tree or only on the side exposed to sunday and wind. Scorching due to dry soil may be overcome past proper watering. H2o established copse with one inch of irrigation one time per week during periods of heat and drought.
  • A response to an undesirable soil contaminant, such as salt (applied to roads for winter ice control), accumulation of fluorides in containerized soil mixes with perlite or high levels of phosphate fertilizers.
  • A reaction to a vascular pathogen, either fungal or bacterial.

Anthracnose of maple (Aureobasidium apocryptum). Photo by Paul Bachi, Bugwood.org

Anthracnose of maple (Aureobasidium apocryptum).
Photo by Paul Bachi, Bugwood.org

Anthracnose: This disease is caused by the mucus Aureobasidium apocryptum. Leaves and buds may turn brown and die, followed by twig and branch dieback. Infected trees may be plain-featured with crooked and angular branches or witches' brooms (clusters of shoots growing from ane surface area of a branch). This disease is well-nigh severe during wet weather.

Prevention & Treatment: The near effective control is to replant with resistant trees. Spraying three times at two-calendar week intervals with a copper-based fungicide, mancozeb, chlorothalonil, or thiophanate methyl starting when the leaves begin to unfurl in spring will provide control (see Tabular array 1 for specific products). Read and follow all directions on the label.

Bacterial leaf scorch of maple (Xylella fastidiosa). Photo by John Hartman, Bugwood.org

Bacterial leaf scorch of maple (Xylella fastidiosa).
Photograph by John Hartman, Bugwood.org

Bacterial Foliage Scorch: This disease is caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. Symptoms often start out as marginal chlorosis or yellowing of the leaves before they fade to a drab green or chocolate-brown color. Presumably, the symptoms develop because of water stress within the water-conducting vessels. Diseased copse lose vigor, and branches or unabridged trees may eventually die. The symptoms are most noticeable in late summer to early fall, following extended periods of drought. The leaner are transmitted past leafhopper feeding, through roots grafts between trees, and vegetatively through propagation grafts and cuttings.

Prevention & Treatment: In general, practices that encourage root development and root role are recommended. Incorporate organic soil amendments into the soil to improve aeration and drainage of clay soils or to ameliorate the water holding capacity of sandy soils. Irrigate during periods of drought. The disease has been suppressed past oxytetracycline injections but not cured. A certified arborist should exist contacted if chemical control is needed.

Phyllosticta leaf spot of maple (Phyllosticta minima). Photo by Paul Bachi, Bugwood.org

Phyllosticta leaf spot of maple (Phyllosticta minima).
Photo by Paul Bachi, Bugwood.org

Phyllosticta Leaf Spot: This disease, also known as purple eye, is caused past the fungus Phyllosticta minima. On the leaves, spots appear with pale yellow centers and imperial borders. The spots are irregularly round and ¼ inch in diameter. Black fruiting bodies of the mucus develop in a circumvolve in the centers of the spots. These fruiting bodies occur in greater numbers on the upper leaf surface. Severe infection can result in partial confusion of the tree. Often the disease goes unnoticed until leaf accumulation occurs nether the tree.

Prevention & Treatment: The fungus survives the winter in fallen leaves. In the spring, spores are produced and dispersed to the new leaves of susceptible trees. Rake up all fallen leaves. Fertilization and watering may help to reduce the illness. 'Autumn Flame', 'Tilford', and 'Gerling' carmine maple varieties are relatively resistant to foliage spot. Spraying three times at two-week intervals with a copper-based fungicide, mancozeb, chlorothalonil, thiophanate methyl, or triadimefon starting when the leaves begin to unfurl in bound will provide control (see Table 1 for specific products). Read and follow all directions on the characterization.

Tar spot of maple (Rhytisma species). Photo by Andrej Kunca, Bugwood.org

Tar spot of maple (Rhytisma species).
Photo by Andrej Kunca, Bugwood.org

Tar Spot: Tar spot is caused past the mucus Rhytisma, where whatever of three species may be involved: R. acerinum, R. americanum, and R. punctatum. Spots ascend in late spring or early summertime afterwards leaves achieve full size. At starting time, the infected tissue is light dark-green or xanthous. So, during late summer, raised, shining black, tar-like dots develop within the yellow spots on the upper foliage surfaces. The lower surface of a foliage beneath a big tar spot turns brown, but the surface below speckled tar spots remains yellow. Leaves with multiple spots may wither and drop prematurely but seldom so early or in such quantities that it threatens the health of the tree.

This disease is more mutual in the forest but may be seen in some mural situations. Tar spots are amidst the showiest and to the lowest degree dissentious foliar diseases.

Prevention & Treatment: The fungus survives the winter in fallen leaves. Rake upwardly and discard the leaves in the fall. Spraying three times at two-week intervals with a copper-based fungicide, mancozeb, or triadimefon starting when the leaves begin to unfurl in spring will provide control (come across Table one for specific products). Read and follow all directions on the label.

Insect Pests

Woolly alder aphid (Paraprociphilus tessellatus). Bob Lepak, Bugwood.org

Woolly alder aphid (Paraprociphilus tessellatus).
Bob Lepak, Bugwood.org

Aphids: Aphids are soft-bodied insects that range from i/xvi to ⅜ inch long. They may exist green, xanthous, pink, gray, or black. They feed by piercing institute tissue and sucking plant sap. They prefer feeding on new growth in such areas equally shoots, buds, and the undersides of leaves. As they feed on plant sap, they excrete honeydew (a sugary waste textile). The sooty mold mucus grows on the honeydew, resulting in unsightly, dark fungal growth.

Woolly alder aphid (Paraprociphilus tessellatus) is gray to blackness in color. It gets its name from the fluffy, white wax institute on its belly. Information technology requires alder and silver maple to consummate its life cycle. Occasionally, it is institute on red maple. Colonies of these pests are obvious because of their white, fuzzy appearance. They are usually seen on leaves, twigs, or bark. Although infested leaves shrivel and drop early, the pests cause little permanent harm. As a event of the honeydew, sidewalks and cars become mucilaginous.

Prevention & Handling: Several natural enemies, such as ladybird beetles (ladybugs) and lacewings, feed on aphids. These predators should be allowed to reduce aphid populations as much as possible. Controlling this pest on a big tree using chemicals is expensive and often not practical. Since little permanent damage results from woolly alder aphids, tolerating some damage is a good pick. Equally a result of their phenomenal ability to reproduce, aphids are very difficult to control with insecticides. Leaving one aphid live can result in the production of a new colony very quickly. In addition, the use of insecticides kills the beneficial insects that unremarkably keep aphid populations nether control.

Notwithstanding, if natural predators do non reduce aphid populations sufficiently, the following foliar spray insecticides are recommended: cyfluthrin, cyhalothrin, permethrin, bifenthrin, pyrethrin, and neem oil. Care for when aphids appear and repeat at seven- to 10-twenty-four hour period intervals if needed. As an alternative, dinotefuran or imidacloprid can be applied as a drench effectually the root zone of aphid-infested plants and is systemically taken up by the root system for insect control (see Table i for specific products). As with all pesticides, read and follow all label directions and precautions.

Cottony maple leaf scale adults (Pulvinaria acericola). Photos by Nancy Gregory, University of Delaware

Cottony maple foliage scale adults (Pulvinaria acericola).
Photos by Nancy Gregory, University of Delaware

Calibration: Many scale species, including Pulvinaria acericola, Pulvinaria innumerabilis, and Melanaspis tenebricosa, are pests of maples. Scales are unusual insects in appearance. They are pocket-sized and immobile, with no visible legs. Scales vary in appearance depending on historic period, sex, and species. Some are flat and appear similar scales stuck to a plant, while others appear like white cottony masses. They feed on sap by piercing and sucking the leaf, stem, or branch with their mouthparts. Their feeding can weaken or kill branches. Heavily-infested trees are stunted with small flowers and leaves. Leaves may turn yellow and drop early.

Similar aphids, soft scales, such as Pulvinaria species, likewise excrete honeydew. The growth of the sooty mold fungus on the honeydew results in leaves that are nighttime grayish-black. Armored scales, such as Melanaspis tenebricosa, do not excrete honeydew, as they feed differently than the soft scales.

Prevention & Handling: A combination of various natural enemies, including ladybird beetles (ladybugs) and parasitic wasps, usually keeps scales under control. On small copse with light infestations, scales can exist scraped off, or the infested branches can be removed and destroyed. On a large tree, it is not always practical to control calibration chemically. The size of the tree, the demand for specialized equipment, and the toll may prohibit this approach. Adult scales are relatively protected from insecticides by their waxy covering. Their young forms, called crawlers, are susceptible, however. If it is determined that chemical command is necessary, the recommended chemicals include the following: cyfluthrin, cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, or permethrin. Use materials when crawlers announced and echo in 10 days. Both soft and armored scales can be controlled by a soil drench with dinotefuran. Soil deluge applications are best fabricated in the spring every bit new establish growth appears. Meet Table 1 for specific products. Every bit with all pesticides, read and follow all label instructions and precautions.

Ocellate gall midge (Acericecis ocellaris). Photo by Lacy L. Hyche

Ocellate gall midge (Acericecis ocellaris).
Photograph by Lacy L. Hyche

Gall Makers: Maples often develop irregular growths or swellings known as galls on their leaves. Gall evolution is a reaction by the foliage tissue to feeding or egg-laying by various mites (such as Vasates quadripedes and Vasates aceriscrumena) and insects (such as Acericecis ocellaris and Cecidomyia ocellaris). Galls vary greatly in advent, from wart-like bumps to spindle-shaped protrusions to felt-like patches on the leaf's surface. Each insect or mite produces its own distinctive gall shape. Often the distinctive shape allows for the identification of the pest. Galls typically develop in spring at about the time that leaves are expanding. Once the gall forms, the pest is protected inside the structure. When homeowners run across these growths on the leaves of their maples, they often become quite concerned. It is of import to call back that while unsightly, they practise not crusade permanent injury to a tree.

Prevention & Treatment: Since foliage galls do little, if whatever, long-term damage to the tree, command efforts are typically not needed or recommended. If a tree is small, the homeowner can handpick and destroy leaves before exit holes course to permit the release of the pest.

Granulate ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus crassiusculus) larvae. Photo by Will Hudson, University of Georgia

Comminute ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus crassiusculus) larvae.
Photograph by Will Hudson, University of Georgia

Asian Ambrosia Beetles: Japanese maples are among the more common hosts of the granulate ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus crassiusculus), with other hosts including styrax, ornamental cherry (especially Yoshino), pecan, peach, plum, dogwood, persimmon, sweetgum, magnolia, fig, Chinese elm, and azalea. This pest is attracted not only to damaged, stressed, or transplanted copse only to seemingly healthy trees too. The beetle becomes active in early March (or before), and the female beetles diameter into trunks or branch wood of thin-barked hardwood trees. Once a tree has been attacked, it becomes more attractive to further set on. Often these trees are less than four inches in diameter.

Granulate ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus crassiusculus) frass protruding from bark. G.Keith Douce, University of Georgia, Bugwwod.org

Granulate ambrosia beetle (Xylosandrus crassiusculus) frass protruding from bark.
One thousand.Keith Douce, Academy of Georgia, Bugwwod.org

Visible symptoms include wilted foliage, every bit well every bit the toothpick-like strands of wearisome dust (frass) that protrude from these minor, pencil-lead size holes. The Asian ambrosia beetle does not feed upon the host's forest but instead carries with it an ambrosia fungus, which grows inside the galleries made past the beetle. This fungus serves equally a source of nutrient and may partially be responsible for the death of the host plant.

Prevention & Treatment: Heavily infested plants should exist removed. If only a few branches are infested, they may be cutting out. The life cycle takes approximately 55 days until the emergence of the next generation of beetles, so prompt removal or burning of the forest is of import. Protective sprays on other susceptible plants may reduce their spread. Permethrin may be used equally a trunk and scaffold limb spray beginning in March (see Table 1 for specific products). Thoroughly wet the bawl. Multiple treatments may be needed during a flavour. Research indicates that spraying the infested trunks with permethrin may cause the beetles to exit the galleries they accept already created. Since the beetles practise not consume the host plant material, dinotefuran and imidacloprid systemic soil treatments are ineffective.

Other Problems

Girdling Roots: If a tree shows symptoms of poor vigor such every bit pocket-sized leaves, death of modest limbs, top dieback, or leaf scorch, the condition could be due to girdling roots. This problem occurs when a root entwines around some other large root or the base of operations of the tree and prevents or hinders water and nutrient movement. Often girdling roots occur below ground level, indicated by a lack of root flare at the base of the body.

Prevention & Treatment: The portion of the root that is girdling the tree should be removed. The open up wound tin can be treated with wound paint prior to roofing with soil. Fertilization of the tree after root removal will assistance in recovery.

Tabular array 1. Insecticides & Fungicides for Maple Insect Pest & Illness Command.

Insecticides & Fungicides Examples of Brand Names & Products
Bifenthrin Ferti-lome Broad Spectrum Insecticide Concentrate; & RTS1
Hi-Yield Bug Blaster Bifenthrin 2.four Concentrate
Monterey Mite & Insect Control Concentrate
Ortho Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate
Ortho BugClear Insect Killer for Lawns & Landscapes Conc.; & RTS1
Up-Star Aureate Insecticide Concentrate
Bifen I/T Concentrate
Talstar P Concentrate
Chlorothalonil Bonide Fung-onil Multi-purpose Fungicide Concentrate
Ferti-lome Wide Spectrum Landscape & Garden Fungicide
Garden Tech Daconil Fungicide Concentrate
Hi-Yield Vegetable Flower Fruit & Ornamental Fungicide
Ortho Max Garden Disease Control Concentrate
Southern Ag Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide
Tiger Brand Daconil
Copper-based Fungicides Bonide Copper Fungicide
Bonide Liquid Copper Concentrate
Camelot O Fungicide/ Bactericide Concentrate
Monterey Liqui-Cop Fungicide Concentrate
Natural Guard Copper Soap Liquid Fungicide Concentrate
Southern Ag Liquid Copper Fungicide
Cyfluthrin Bayer BioAdvanced 24 60 minutes Backyard Insect Killer RTS1|Bayer BioAdvanced Complete Insect Killer for Soil & Turf I RTSane
Bayer BioAdvanced Insect Killer for Lawns RTS1
Dinotefuran Ortho Tree & Shrub Insect Command Ready to Use Granules
Valent Brand Safari 2G Insecticide (Granules)
Valent Make Safari 20SG Insecticide
Gordon's Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide
Horticultural Oil2 Bonide All Seasons Spray Oil Concentrate
Ferti-lome Horticultural Oil Spray Concentrate
Monterey Horticultural Oil Concentrate
Safer Brand Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate
Southern Ag Parafine Horticultural Oil
Summit Year Circular Spray Oil Concentrate
Imidacloprid Bayer BioAdvanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control
Landscape Formula
Bonide Annual Tree & Shrub Insect Control with Systemaxx
Ferti-lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Deluge|
Martin'south Rule Tree & Shrub
Monterey Once A Twelvemonth Insect Control Ii
Cyhalothrin Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer for Lawn & Landscapes Concentrate; & RTSi
Martin's Cyonara Backyard & Garden Concentrate; & RTS1
Mancozeb Bonide Mancozeb Flowable with Zinc Concentrate
Southern Ag Dithane Thousand-45
Malathion3 Bonide Malathion 50% Insect Command
Gordon's Malathion 50% Spray Concentrate
Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Insect Spray
Martin'south Malathion 57% Concentrate
Ortho Max Malathion Insect Spray Concentrate
Southern Ag Malathion l% EC
Spectracide Malathion Insect Spray Concentrate
Tiger Make l% Malathion
Neem Oilfour Bonide Rose Rx 3-in-one Concentrate
Bonide Neem Oil Concentrate
Ferti-lome Rose, Flower & Vegetable Spray Concentrate
Garden Prophylactic Fungicide three Concentrate
Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract Concentrate
Monterey lxx% Neem Oil Concentrate
Natural Guard Neem Concentrate
Safer Brand Neem Oil Concentrate
Southern Ag Triple Activity Neem Oil
Permethrin Bonide 8 Insect Control Vegetable Fruit & Flower Conc.
Bonide Total Pest Control – Outdoor Concentrate
Bonide 8 Thou & Garden Set up to Spray RTS1
Hi-Yield Indoor/Outdoor Broad Use Insecticide Concentrate
Southern Ag Permetrol Backyard & Garden Insecticide Concentrate
Tiger Brand Super x Concentrate
Pyrethrin Bonide Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray Concentrate
Southern Ag Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate
Monterey Issues Blaster-O
Thiophanate-methyl Cleary's 3336-WP Turf & Ornamental Fungicide
Southern Ag Thiomyl Systemic Fungicide
Important Notes: Chemical control of diseases and insect pests by sprays on large trees is normally non viable since acceptable coverage of the foliage with a pesticide cannot be accomplished.
iRTS = Ready to Spray (a hose-terminate sprayer)
twoHorticultural oil may injure Japanese, amur, and red maples, but may not injure silvery maple.
threeMalathion may cause slight injury to many maple species.
4Neem oil may cause injury to Japanese maples.
Other cautions: Spinosad may crusade injury to Japanese Maples.
Acephate may harm red and sugar maples.
Insecticidal soap should not be applied to Japanese maples.
Do not apply insecticidal soap, horticultural oil, or neem oil if the temperature is greater than 85 ºF., and apply these three insecticides in the early forenoon or evening.
Follow label directions for all insecticide rates (strength in solution).

Notation: Pollinating insects, such equally dear bees and bumblebees, can exist adversely affected by the use of pesticides. Avoid the use of spray pesticides (both insecticides and fungicides), also as soil-practical, systemic insecticides unless absolutely necessary. If spraying is required, always spray late in the evening to reduce the directly impact on pollinating insects. Always employ cultural controls first, then use less toxic alternative sprays for the control of insect pests and diseases. For example, sprays with insecticidal lather, horticultural oil, neem oil extract, spinosad, Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), or botanical oils can help control many small insect pests and mites that affect garden and landscape plants. Neem oil excerpt or botanical oil sprays may too reduce found impairment by repelling many insect pests. If soil-practical insecticides are used, make applications immediately subsequently flowering to reduce the amount of insecticide exposure to pollinating insects. For more data, contact the Clemson Abode & Garden Information Heart.