Jenna Coleman weight loss: Is THIS the reason behind the actress' hot body?

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The English actress, who played Clara Oswald in Doctor Who, has certainly has desperate a few pounds since her Emmerdale days.

Her change in figure may be down to a clean-cut diet, according to Matt Fiddes, personal trainer to celebrities and prehistoric bodyguard to the legendary Michael Jackson.

"She looks like she has been hopped out as she is toned and possibly on a sensible clean diet," Matt told exclusively.

Petite women, like Jenna, find it much harder to run out of weight, he explained.

"As women age they find it harder to lose impact due to hormonal changes in the body.  And it's even harder for smaller women to buttress in shape as they don't need so many calories."

Jenna has been incorporating weight training or another resistance exercise to create her new frame, Matt claims.

"At a judge I would say she is either weight training, or doing an exercise programme derive Pilates which maintains muscle, burns calories without prevailing too far and causing an unhealthy look.

"The public maybe concerned as her face has slimmed down. This peradventure simply because she has cut down on alcohol which can cause water retention.

"I don't feel she is using cardio based fitness system like hitting the treadmill or aerobics as she has an all over centre tone."

Jenna's happy new relationship may also have helped her to slim down, according to the critical trainer.

"Mood elevation helps a lot with ladies and weight yield. She seems to be in a good place in her life with a new relationship and booming occupation," he said.

You can get Jenna's slender look by finding a good Pilates caste or weight training in a gym – instead of focusing on cardio.

"Cutting out alcohol or piercing back. Follow a protein based diet and most of all make this new lifestyle a policy," Matt advised.

Celebrity personal trainer and founder of, Ben Camara, feels Jenna has lost four dress sizes during her rise to eminence.

Jenna may have embarked on a weight loss programme, according to Ben, of eight or 12 weeks.

"From the photos I've grasped, she has probably dropped from a dress size 16 to a size 6 to 8," the repute trainer said.

"If done properly, and safely, this would sooner a be wearing taken around eight to 10 weeks to achieve her slimline look. Muse on, it's not just about the exercises, it's about good nutrition and good check."

Celebrity chef Tom Kerridge has promoted the dopamine diet – crediting it for his big 11 stone weight loss.

The foods promoted in the diet help dopamine, which affects reward and pleasure centres in our brains.

On the fast you are told to eat dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt, unprocessed victuals such as beef, chicken and turkey, omega-3 rich fish such as salmon and mackerel and eggs.

Also on the record are vegetables and fruits, especially bananas, nuts and dark chocolate.